NAIAD/NIH Tenure-Track Investigator positions available

We seek outstanding, highly creative scientists as Tenure-Track Investigators (equivalent to an assistant or associate professor-level academic faculty) to advance visionary and field-leading basic, translational, and applied research to develop safe and effective novel vaccines and therapeutics against infectious diseases. Expertise in immunology, virology, structural biology, bioengineering, and closely related fields is desired.

The VRC seeks to discover and develop novel vaccines and biologics to address the challenges of an ever-evolving landscape of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. We meet these challenges with a diverse, multidisciplinary, and integrated team of specialists who work collaboratively to drive research programs at the forefront of scientific discovery. As extremely productive members of the NIAID/NIH Intramural Research Program, VRC scientists, researchers, and clinicians contribute high-impact research that advances fundamental knowledge of microbiology and immunology, the evaluation of novel vaccine platforms, and the rapid translation of discoveries into new vaccines and biologic products for clinical studies. Research at the VRC also encompasses product development, manufacturing, and licensure through strategic partnerships established with external collaborators. The VRC’s extensive research portfolio includes HIV, coronaviruses, influenza, malaria, tuberculosis, flaviviruses, filoviruses, alphaviruses, paramyxoviruses, and other biothreats and emerging pathogens.

Inquiries may also be directed to Ms. Sarah Austin (

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