Postdoc position in Thrash lab – Univ of Southern California

The Thrash lab at USC is recruiting a postdoc to work on metabolic modeling of oligotrophic

marine bacteria. The research will involve generating genome-scale metabolic models, culturing,

flux balance analysis, and can include stable isotope probing and isolation of new strains.

Ideal candidates will have:

● A Ph.D. and a strong publication record in microbiology, environmental or chemical

engineering, computer science, or a related field;

● Experience in genome-scale metabolic model construction and validation, related

modeling skills, or a strong motivation to learn these skills;

● Experience with culturing microorganisms or a strong motivation to learn;

● Detailed understanding of microbial metabolism and regulation, particularly related to

growth dynamics;

● Excellent written and oral communication skills.

This position is funded for 36 months, with an option for extension. We strongly encourage

applications from members of under-represented minorities. To apply, please send your CV and

an email to Dr. Cameron Thrash ( explaining your qualifications and motivation

to join the project. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Read the full article at:;!!Mak6IKo!O_Zxr0Zd12kg0BA6ECx6KmPz0W2b4jQRrvBix3_Dj0VAnraVu0qZMePR7nYrWIxkHwhb_ubRQkRzswcb$