Moriarty, Ryan

Dissertation: Using molecularly barcoded pathogens and whole-genome sequence data to understand host responses to SIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Faculty Advisor: Shelby O’Connor
Ryan will be doing a postdoc with the Hope lab at Northwestern University.

Romero, Sofia

Dissertation: Getting to the core: single cell analysis of the nucleocytoplasmic trafficking dynamics of hepatitis B virus
Faculty Advisor: Nate Sherer
Sofia is a postdoc at the National Institutes of Health in Dr. Daniel Chertow’s lab focused on studying the molecular pathogenesis of illness due to emerging respiratory viral pathogens that include influenza A and SARS-CoV-2.

Salemi, Rachel

Dissertation: Elucidating the contributions of promoter sequence and (p)ppGpp binding sites on RNAP to transcription regulation in Escherichia coli
Faculty Advisor: Rick Gourse
Rachel will be working as a post-doc with David Hershey at UW-Madison.

She, Fukang

Dissertation: Connecting central carbon metabolism, nucleotide metabolism and drug resistance – A story of pyruvate kinase
Faculty Advisor: Jade Wang
Fukang is starting a post doc position in the Wang lab at UW-Madison.

Swaney, Mary Hannah

Dissertation: Metabolite-Mediated Interactions in the Human Skin Microbiome
Faculty Advisor: Lindsay Kalan
Mary Hannah will be starting an industry postdoc at Colgate-Palmolive.

Wentz, Travis

Dissertation: Functional and Evolutionary Insights into Botulinum Neurotoxins and Homologous Toxins
Faculty Advisors: Sabine Pellett and JD Sauer
Travis is now a postdoc at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Patrick McNutt’s lab.

Youngblom, Madison

Dissertation: Identifying signatures of bacterial adaptation to the pathogenic niche using evolutionary genomics
Faculty Advisor: Caitlin Pepperell
Madison is a bioinformatics scientist at IFF.

Zuke, Jason

Dissertation: Production, dynamics, and DNA binding capabilities of Bacillus subtilis natural competence associated pili
Faculty Advisor: Briana Burton
Jason is a scientist at Promega in Madison, WI.