Affeldt, Kate

Dissertation: Expanding the Paradign of Oxylipins in Aspergillus flavus.
Faculty Advisor: Nancy Keller
Kate is faculty at Milwaukee Area Technical College.

Bacot-Davis, Valjean

Dissertation: Structure and dynamics of the Encephalomyocarditis virus Leader protein in deregulation of host nucleocytoplasmic transport.
Faculty Advisor: Ann Palmenberg
Valjean is now a Resident Physician at Stony Brook University Hospital.

Begemann, Matthew

Dissertation: Investigating the Utility of the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 as a Host for Chemical Production.
Faculty Advisor: Brian Pfleger
Matt is a Senior Director at Benson Hill Biosystems in St. Louis, MO.

Heath-Heckman, Elizabeth

Dissertation: Day/Night cycles in the Eupryma solopes-Vibrio Fisheri symbiosis.
Faculty Advisor: Margaret McFall-Ngai
Elizabeth is an assistant professor at Michigan State University in the department of Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology and the department of Integrative Biology.

Hryckowian, Andrew

Dissertation: Insights into the roles and regulation of RpoS in Escherichia coli and Shigella.
Faculty Advisor: Rod Welch
Andrew is an Assistant Professor at UW-Madison.

Jewell, Kelsea

Dissertation: Characterization of the ruminal bacterial microbiome in relation to host parameters.
Faculty Advisor: Garret Suen
Kelsea is an Associate Professor at Centralia College in Washington.

Kuny, Chad

Dissertation: The Contribution of UL97 Viral Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Activity of HCMV Infection.
Faculty Advisor: Rob Kalejta
Chad is a Biosafety officer at Penn State University.

Neal, Lori

Dissertation: TLR11 dependent and independent recognition of Toxoplasma gondii recruits Ly6Chi inflammatory monocytes that can confer resistance to bacterial infection.
Faculty Advisor: Laura Knoll
Lori is a postdoc at the University of Michigan.

Park, Hyunjun

Dissertation: Towards the biosynthesis of modified natural products.
Faculty Advisor: Michael Thomas
Hyunjun is the co-founder and CEO at Catalog Technologies Inc.

Sterkel, Alana

Dissertation: Subversion of Innate Immunity by Blastomyces dermatidis.
Faculty Advisor: Bruce Klein
Alana is the Associate Director of the Communicable Disease Division at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene and Assistant Professor at UW Madison.