Sometimes students in the program have questions about administrative issues and aren’t sure who has the answers. Here are some resources to help guide current students when they have a question about things like payroll, tuition, benefits, fees, course enrollments, accommodations or other things outside the purview of the program.
Any questions that are program-specific, such as program requirements, can be directed to the MDTP Coordinator.
General HR policies for Graduate Assistants is found here. Specific payroll, tuition remission, and benefits questions should be directed to the HR professionals in the student’s PI’s home department.
- Bacteriology HR contact: Kim Besta
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology HR contact: Lily Kramer or Coreen Marklein (Benefits)
- Medicine HR contact: Jena Yohann
- Genetics HR contact: Kortney Bourquin
- Plant Pathology HR contact: Candice Butler
- McArdle Center for Cancer Research (Oncology) HR contact: Christine Carollo-Zeuner
- Pathobiological Sciences and Comparative Biosciences (VetMed) HR contact: Nancy Parkinson or Karlye Wolff
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine HR contact: Janelle Lynette Rees
- Pharmacy HR contact: Liz Funk Smith
- For all other contacts, see your home department’s webpage or this list.
For students funded on a fellowship, they should contact their fellowship officer with any questions or concerns. Students on training grants should refer to the contact list on the training grant website for assistance.
Students should complete the student support form document annually and update when their funding situation has changed.
NOTE: For students transitioning onto or off of fellowship funding, the STUDENT should check in with the PI and home department HR contact to verify the funding transition. The MDTP does not track funding of students at the program level. Fellowship funding often is associated with different tax rules and obligations as compared to income derived from a research assistantship. Students funded on fellowships should direct tax related questions to their home department HR professional or a tax professional. Additional tax-related help for UW Systems Employees, including graduate assistants, can be found here.
Graduate Assistants (TAs, PAs and RAs) must pay segregated fees every term in which they are enrolled, including summer. Segregated fee rates and the campus operations they fund is found here. The 2024-25 pre-dissertator segregated fees for a full calendar year are $1951.85, but drop to around $930 annually once a student achieves dissertator status.
Graduate Assistants have a deferred deadline for their fees. Their fees are not due until the Friday after their third paycheck of the semester (December in Fall, April in Spring). Note that there is no deadline deferral in the summer term. Segregated fee bills can be seen in the MyUW Student Center. Any questions about segregated fees should be directed to the Bursar’s Office.
Most independent fellowship agencies pay student fellows’ segregated fees. If a student is funded on a fellowship, the student should check with the funding agency about payment of fees. If a student is transitioning off of fellowship funding, the student should be prepared for payment of segregated fees.
The graduate school provides tax information for RAs and research fellows here and here. For specific tax questions, students should consult a tax professional.
In case of family or medical leave, students should review the information on leave policies here.
Students need to maintain continuous enrollment to fulfill their degree obligations, their Graduate Assistantship obligations and/or their fellowship obligations. Pre-dissertators need to enroll in 8-15 credits for Fall/Spring semesters (2 or more in the summer). Dissertators need to enroll in EXACTLY 3 credits every semester, including summer term. These credits can be a combination of coursework, seminar and research (990) credits. See course requirements for more info on program-specific information.
For questions or problems with enrollment in specific courses, students should contact the curricular representative for the department in which the course is offered. Use the course prefix and this list to find the curricular representative that can assist you with your enrollment questions. If a student needs assistance with late enrollment or dropping courses after deadlines, they should refer to this page for procedures.
For 990 research credits, students should use the course prefix that aligns with the PI’s home department and enroll in the 990 section in which their PI is the instructor. Questions about 990 enrollment should be directed to the PI and/or the curricular representative.
MDTP students are eligible to use a number of software licenses through UW Madison Information Technology. Additionally, students should check out resources available from the WID Data Science Hub. They regularly offer workshops, events, consulting and more that can aid MDTP students with their research.
The University of Wisconsin has strict travel policies. Students should review travel procedures and discuss plans for UW-sponsored travel with departmental administration before making any arrangements.
If a student requires accommodations, for either academic or professional purposes, the student should discuss accommodations with their instructor or supervisor. The McBurney Center works to improve accessibility on campus and engages with students to develop academic accommodations. If a student would like assistance with alternative testing, alternative formatting or any other accommodation for coursework, they should contact the McBurney Center. If a student needs an accommodation for their professional obligations through their fellowship or research assistantship, such as standing desks, alternative software or other modified equipment, the student should discuss these accommodations with their supervisor and the home department HR representative.
The MDTP Coordinator can assist students individually to obtain accommodations and advocate on their behalf. Students can contact the MDTP Coordinator for assistance with accommodations.
Any student who feels unfairly treated by any other member of the campus community has the right to complain about the treatment and to receive a prompt hearing. Some complaints may arise from misunderstandings or communication breakdowns and be easily resolved; others may require formal action. Complaints may concern any matter of perceived unfairness. The student should first talk with the person at whom the complaint is directed. Most issues can be settled at this level. In the event that an issue cannot be resolved in this manner, the MDTP program director, vice-director and/or the program coordinator shall serve as grievance advisors. The grievance advisor will refer complaints to the MDTP Steering Committee. Please see the MDTP Handbook for the complete grievance policy, both for the program and the greater campus.
Any student or trainer can discuss any situation with the MDTP program director, vice-director and/or the program coordinator at any time as they are comfortable. Anonymous suggestions or complaints can be submitted through our anonymous feedback form. MDTP is committed to the well-being of our community and unfair, harassing or intolerant behavior is not condoned.
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