Course Requirements


Ten (10) credits are required for the major. All students are required to take two semesters of the 1 credit course, Current Issues in Microbiology (Microbio 810 and Microbio 811).  These 2 credits may be used for either the major or the minor, with the approval of the thesis committee.  At least three courses must come from the following list:

Course  Title  Semester 
Micro 526  Physiology of Microorganisms  Fall and Spring 
MMI 528  Immunology  Fall 
Micro/Biochem/Gen 612  Prokaryotic Molecular Biology  Fall 
Genetics 620  Eukaryotic Molecular Biology  Spring, even years 
Microbio 626  Microbial and Cellular Metabolomics  Fall, odd years 
Onc/Pl Path 640  General Virology-Multiplication of Viruses  Fall 
MMI/Bot/Gen/Pl Path 655  Biology and Genetics of Fungi   Fall, even years 
Micro 657  Bioinformatics for Microbiologists  Spring 

BMolChem 668 

Microbiology at Atomic Resolution  Spring, odd years 
Micro 710  Microbial Symbiosis  Spring, odd years 
MMI 740  Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis  Fall 
MMI 750  Host-Parasite Relationships in Viral Disease  Spring, odd years 
MMI 760  Quantitatative Systems Biology and Disease   Spring, odd years
Gen 885  Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Analysis  Fall, even years 


Note – MSTP students transferring into MDTP may apply MedSci 622-774 to fulfill two of the three required core courses.


Students in MDTP may fulfill the minor requirement under either –

Option A: a full minor in a single department outside the major (e.g., Biochemistry, Genetics, Population Health) with at least 10 credits


Option B: a distributed minor between two or more departments with a total of 10 credits. Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Microbiology courses can be used for minor credit rather than major credit, in the Option B minor.  All courses must be 300 level or above.

Note – MSTP students transferring into MDTP may substitute their medical school coursework for their minor course requirements.

Note – students must declare their minor, including distributed minor, in the Graduate Student tile in MyUW before requesting their prelim warrant.

Blood agar

To complete the required 51 credits, remaining credits may come from additional coursework, MDTP seminar (required for six semesters) and research credits.  No credit will be given for courses taken for pass/fail/audit/credit/no credit.