Advising and mentorship is an incredibly important part of our program. Since students rotate through labs the first semester, incoming students are advised upon admission and through the rotation process by a faculty trainer on the MDTP Steering Committee. Once a student is placed in a lab, the lab PI becomes the student’s academic advisor.
Ultimately, the thesis committee should have five faculty members, two of which should have appointments in either Bacteriology or Medical Microbiology and Immunology. Students are required to meet with their full committee annually and submit a report to the program office. See below for downloadable forms and description of committee meetings through a PhD career.
The faculty advisor and thesis committee are not only advising students on coursework and research; they also serve as mentors who foster students’ professional development. Connections with committee members and their labs allow students to grow their professional networks and expand students’ support structure outside the thesis lab.
Students should also remember to hold annual IDP meetings as well – see the Professional Development Requirement page.
- By the end of the 1st year, the student will have a committee meeting comprised of the PI and at least 3 of the anticipated thesis committee members. Students prepare a two-page research proposal ahead of this meeting.
- By the end of the 2nd year, the student has their preliminary exam with the full thesis committee. Go here for more information on preparing for the prelim.
- After the student achieves dissertator status, the student should have committee meetings at least annually. The student will prepare a 2-page report including presented talks and abstracts, publications, research progress, and other related activities. The committee is responsible for advising the student on their progress, ensuring the student is on a good research trajectory, and assessing the student’s communication skills.
- Around six months before the student anticipates defending their dissertation, the student should hold a prospectus meeting discussing a thesis outline and soliciting defense advice from the committee.
- Defense of the dissertation. When the student and advisor agree, the student will give a public talk on their thesis research and defend their work in a private committee meeting. Go here for more information on defense preparation.