Professional Development Requirement


Undergraduate students in lecture hall

Courses. The Graduate School has agreed to allow MDTP dissertator students to enroll in courses from a limited list of classes appropriate for professional development of MDTP students. Students would take one or two courses in an area of interest after they become dissertators. Additional courses may be added to this list if they are appropriate for MDTP students and are approved for this purpose by the Graduate School.

Students discuss poster at undergrad symposium

Students considering an internship for their professional development should review this document regarding HR/payroll considerations.

Teaching practicum. A second semester of teaching practicum may be the most appropriate training for students that seek a career in academic research and teaching. If students do not arrange for other professional development activities, the default professional development training would be a second semester of teaching in a teaching practicum.

The Delta Program. The Delta Program in teaching has been a great asset to MDTP students interested in teaching as a career, allowing students to take classes and gain experience in teaching. Successful students are granted a certificate from the Delta Program, and this achievement and experience likely make the students more attractive for teaching positions.

Students and instructor in classroom

Summer courses or workshops. For students most interested in continuing in academic research, one or more summer courses or workshops may be the most appropriate training. Examples of such courses are those that cover research areas or methods or scientific writing or grant preparation.

Internship. As an alternative to class work or a second semester of teaching practicum, MDTP students could participate in an internship with a business or other organization.  MDTP students have done internships with companies such as Promega and Gingko Bioworks, completed entrepreneurial boot camps with the Morgridge Center, or even worked in science policy with organizations like the Federation of American Societies in Experimental Biology.