Anderson, Brent

Dissertation: Variations on a theme: how a shared (p)ppGpp binding pocket allows bacterial adaptation in fluctuating environments.
Faculty Advisor: Jade Wang
Brent is currently working as a post-doc with Andy Goodman at Yale University.

Jacobson, Tyler

Dissertation: In vivo thermodynamic analysis of metabolic networks.
Faculty Advisor: Daniel Amador-Noguez
Tyler is an Associate Group Leader at PPD.

LaReau, Alex

Dissertation: Elucidating the diversity, distribution and function of the gut bacterial symbiont Ruminococcus.
Faculty Advisor: Garret Suen
Alex is a bioinformatician at Infinity Bio, Inc.

Larson, Gloria

Dissertation: Dissection of molecular mechanisms by which human host factors regulate influenza virus replication.
Faculty Advisor: Andy Mehle
Gloria is a Senior Technical Writer at Catalent.

Mauer, Terra

Dissertation: IInvestigating the distribution and function of the bacterial DUF560 superfamily of outer membrane proteins using Xenorhabdus bacteria as a model.
Faculty Advisor: Heidi Goodrich-Blair
Terra is a Microbiology Laboratory Instructor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Newhouse, Peter

Dissertation: Biophysical Investigation of Peptidoglycan Binding by Periplasmic Superoxide Dismutase.
Faculty Advisor: Katrina Forest
Peter is a senior associate in SC Johnson’s microbiology team.

Pensinger, Dan

Dissertation: Maintenance of cell wall integrity in the cytosol of host cells is essential for virulence of Listeria monocytogenes.
Faculty Advisor: JD Sauer
Dan is a researcher in the Hryckowian lab at UW Madison.

Shockey, Abigail

Dissertation: Genomics of Bacterial Pathogens Across Evolutionary Scales.
Faculty Advisor: Caitlin Pepperell
Abigail has received an APHL-CDC Bioinformatics Postdoc Fellowship at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene’s Communicable Disease Division.

Vinnik, Vlad

Dissertation: Dissecting substrate recognition of natural product biosynthetic enzymes using siderophore systems.
Faculty Advisor: Michael Thomas
Vlad is doing a postdoc at the University of Utah in the Bandarian Lab.