Chiang, Edna

Dissertation: Gut microbiome response to nutritional changes in a high fat diet mouse model and a ground squirrel hibernator
Faculty Advisors: Garret Suen and Hannah Carey
Edna is a Presidential Management Fellow and Data Scientist at the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Office of Inspector General.

Cox, Madison

Dissertation: Influencing rumen microbial communities to improve bovine milk production efficiency
Faculty Advisor: Garret Suen
Madison is now a Bioinformatician with the Altman lab at the University of Washington.

Crooks, Chelsea

Dissertation: Defining factors that influence Zika and dengue virus pathogenic potential
Faculty Advisor: Thomas Friedrich
Chelsea will be working as a post-doc in with Dr. Sallie Permar at Weill Cornell .

Erickson, Jared

Dissertation: Baculovirus AcMNPV modulates but does not require the host insect Ataxia Telangiectasia-mutated DNA damage response
Faculty Advisors: Rob Kalejta and Paul Friesen
Jared will be doing a post doc in the Friesen lab.

Francoeur, Charlotte

Dissertation: The ecology of secondary microbial symbionts: Exploring the diversity and function of bacterial and viral associations with fungus-growing ants
Faculty Advisor: Cameron Currie
Charlotte has accepted a postdoc position in the Khadempour Lab at Rutgers University.

Hromada, Susan

Dissertation: Impact of human gut microbes on Clostridioides difficile growth and antibiotic susceptibility in vitro
Faculty Advisor: Ophelia Venturelli
Susan is a scientist at Nimble Therapeutics.

Huss, Phil

Dissertation: Using Deep Mutational Scanning to Understand and Engineer Host Specificity in Bacteriophages
Faculty Advisor: Vatsan Raman
Phil is working as a scientist in the Raman lab at UW-Madison.

Kieft, Kristopher

Dissertation: Metagenomics-enabled viral ecology to advance our understanding of human and environmental microbiomes
Faculty Advisor: Karthik Anantharaman
Kris has taken a position as a scientist at Moderna Genomics.

Mendoza-Cavazos, Carolina

Dissertation: Diarrheal Diseases Caused by Eukaryotic Microbes: From Murine Models to their Transcriptomes
Faculty Advisor: Laura Knoll
Carolina will be a scientist at Promega Corporation.

Perez-Medina, Krizia

Dissertation: The gonococcal peptidoglycanase interactome and its contributions to protein function, cell morphology, and survival
Faculty Advisor: Joe Dillard
Krizia is seeking out her next opportunity.