Biochemists like Raman study how nature functions at molecular and sub-molecular scales and in doing so observe a myriad of biological phenomena. One such phenomenon, allostery, is critical for protein function. But, what is allostery? …
Month: September 2021
Scientist or Senior Scientist, Molecular Biology/Microbial Physiology with BP
Advanced Bio & Physical Sciences for Low Carbon Energy (AB&PS) develops strategic and business solutions for new low carbon technologies and products. A recently created team, AB&PS is the central research organisation for biosciences, chemistry, …
Senior Scientist Position in Molecular Biology at BP
Advanced Bio & Physical Sciences for Low Carbon Energy (AB&PS) develops strategic and business solutions for new low carbon technologies and products. A recently created team, AB&PS is the central research organisation for biosciences, chemistry, …
Open Rank Faculty Positions in Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine invites applications for two tenure-track/tenured appointments at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor. This recruitment seeks creative scientists …
Program Officer positions at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Program Officers Enteric and Sexually Transmitted Infections Branch Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases The Enteric and Sexually Transmitted Infections Branch (ESTIB) located within the Division of Microbiology …
Multiple Staff Bioinformatician openings at the U of Washington
Several departments at the U of Washington are seeking applicants for staff bioinformaticians. These roles work directly with wet lab scientists to create workflows and analyze data related to biological research. All positions are open to …
Post doc opportunities with Ferric Fang, University of Washington
Ferric Fang is currently recruiting post-doctoral fellows to participate in two research projects: (1) the pathogenesis of enteric fever (2) the role of transcriptional counter-silencing in Salmonella virulence gene regulation and antimicrobial resistance A Ph.D. or equivalent …
Post doc opportunity at UC-San Francisco
Postdoctoral Position Microbiome Therapeutic Development The Lynch Lab at the University of California San Francisco has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher. We are seeking highly talented and motivated candidates with a strong background …
Assistant Professor position at UC-Davis
As part of UC Davis’ commitment to hire faculty with a strong commitment to teaching, research and service that address the needs of our increasingly diverse state and student population, the College of Biological Sciences …