Zayas-Aponte, Carmen

Dissertation: Studies of the Last Step of de Novo Corrin Ring Biosynthesis and the Nucleotide Loop Assembly Pathway of Coenzyme B12 Synthesis.
Faculty Advisor: Jorge Escalante
Carmen is a pharmacist.

Zelasko, Susan

Dissertation: Investigating Microbial Interactions Impacting Pathogen Colonization in Human Upper Respiratory Microbiomes
Faculty Advisors: Cameron Currie and Federico Rey
Susan will be returning to medical school to finish her MD/PhD program.

Zuke, Jason

Dissertation: Production, dynamics, and DNA binding capabilities of Bacillus subtilis natural competence associated pili
Faculty Advisor: Briana Burton
Jason is a scientist at Promega in Madison, WI.

Zuleger, Cindy

Dissertation: Molecular and functional analysis of in vivo 6-thioguanine-resistant T cells from melanoma patients.
Faculty Advisor: Mark Albertini
Cindy is a Scientist in the UW Carbone Cancer Center.

Zuniga Chaves, Ibrahim

Dissertation: Understanding the impact of SES on the human gut microbiome in a Wisconsin cohort
Faculty Advisor: Garret Suen
Ibrahim accepted a faculty position at the University of Costa Rica’s School of Agriculture.