Haugen, Brian

Dissertation: Characterization of the Response of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Strain CFT073 to D-Serine.
Faculty Advisor: Rod Welch
Brian is a Health Science Policy Analyst at the National Institutes of Health.

Haugen, Shani

Dissertation: rRNA Regulation Depends on Nonoptimal Sigma Region 1.2 Promoter Interactions: Fine Structure of a New RNA Polymerase Recognition Element.
Faculty Advisor: Rick Gourse
Shani is a FDA Scientific Reviewer.

Lannan, Erica

Dissertation: Execution of Baculovirus-induced Apoptosis in Drosophila Requires Caspases DrICE, CDP1, and Dronc.
Faculty Advisor: Paul Friesen
Erica is an Associate Professor at Prairie State College in Chicago Heights, IL.

Lewis, Jeffrey

Dissertation: Genetics and Biochemistry of Tricarballylate Catabolism in Salmonella enterica.
Faculty Advisor: Jorge Escalante
Jeffrey is an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas.

Little, Ainslie

Dissertation: Parasitism as a Selective Force Shaping the Ecology and Evolution of an Ancient Ant-Fungal-Bacterial Mutualism.
Faculty Advisor: Cameron Currie
Ainslie is the SVP, Corporate Strategy at BlueRock Therapeutics in Cambridge, MA.

Lopez, Rebecca

Dissertation: The Role of IFN- a/ b in the Innate Immune Response to African Trypanosomes.
Faculty Advisor: Donna Paulnock
Rebecca is a postdoc in the Dept. of Hematology at the National Institutes of Health with Dr. Richard Childs.

Mooney, Rachel

Dissertation: The Secret Life of NusG: A Functional Analysis of a Universal Transcriptional Regulator and Its Surprising Relationship with _70.
Faculty Advisor: Robert Landick
Rachel is a Scientist in the laboratory of Prof. Landick, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Moser, Lindsey

Dissertation: Insights into Astrovirus Pathogenesis: How Barrier Permeability, ERK Activation, and Early Viral Events Collaborate to Cause Diarrhea.
Faculty Advisor: Stacey Schultz-Cherry
Lindsey is now an Assistant Scientist in the Talaat Lab at UW-Madison.

Sabree, Zakee

Dissertation: Heterologous Expression in the Metagenomics Era.
Faculty Advisor: Jo Handelsman
Zakee is an Associate Professor at the Ohio State University.

Sacha, Jonah

Dissertation: T Cell Epitope Ontogeny in AIDS-virus Infected Cells.
Faculty Advisor: David Watkins
Jonah is Professor and Chief of the Division of Pathobiology and Immunology at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR.