Dissertation: Virus Reproduction: Membrane Localization of Nodaviral RNAs during Replication Complex Assembly.
Faculty Advisor: Paul Ahlquist
She is now an Associate Professor at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY.
Graduation 2007
Walters, Laura
Dissertation: StcE, a Mucin-Specific Protease, Recognizes Glycan-Induced Conformations.
Faculty Advisor: Rod Welch
Laura completed her M.D. in fulfillment of the Medical Scientist Training Program and is now a pathologist at Beaumont Health Systems.
Zayas-Aponte, Carmen
Dissertation: Studies of the Last Step of de Novo Corrin Ring Biosynthesis and the Nucleotide Loop Assembly Pathway of Coenzyme B12 Synthesis.
Faculty Advisor: Jorge Escalante
Carmen is a pharmacist.