Dissertation: HIV-1-infected cell and uninfected cell interaction induces cell cycle reprogramming to facilitate viral spread.
Faculty Advisor: Paul Ahlquist
Eunju will be returning to South Korea and will be seeking a position there.
Graduation 2018
Sanchez Vazquez, Patricia
Dissertation: Genome-wide effects of ppGpp binding to RNA Polymerase on E. coli gene expression.
Faculty Advisor: Rick Gourse
Patricia is a Program Lead at Ginkgo Bioworks.
Schomer, Rebecca
Dissertation: Two approaches to dissecting the fole of MbtH-like proteins in nonribosomal peptide synthesis.
Faculty Advisor: Michael Thomas
Rebecca is an Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona.
Stevens, Sarah
Dissertation: Genomics as a Lens into the Population Structure and Evolution of Freshwater Microbes.
Faculty Advisor: Katherine McMahon
Sarah has accepted a position as the Data Science Facilatator at the WID UW-Madison.
Wahlig, Taylor
Dissertation: Salmonella enterica stress tolerance: genetic redundancy and pleiotropy.
Faculty Advisor: Chuck Kaspar
Taylor is the Technical Director of Microbiology and Molecular Pathology at the Marshfield Clinic Health System.
Yeesin, Ponlkrit
Dissertation: Mechanistic insights into resolution and repair of DNA damage caused by head-on replication-transcription conflicts in bacteria.
Faculty Advisor: Jade Wang
Ponlkrit is now a professor in the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand.